The most important thing when travelling is staying healthy. Pretty much the worst thing that can happen on a trip is to get ill where there is only little medical help readily available. This post will mainly discuss what vaccination I got prior travelling. Please be advised that this is my personal view and what I thought would be best for my trip. I had different medical staff telling me also different stories. So even the experts have different views on this. I think however that it was well worth get the below mentioned jabs. I recommend it to anyone with similar plans.
Let’s get to what I did prior to my trip. First of all it goes without saying that one should bring the basics such as plasters, bandages, scissors, tweezers, paracetamol and so on. See the following links for sample content of a first aid kit from the Red Cross or Ubertramp Website.
Pre travel vaccination is one aspect not to overlook when preparing for a trip. Especially because you have to plan this well in advance if you are travelling for longer and visit multiple countries that require you to have certain vaccinations. As I went travelling two years ago to South East Asia I had the most important immunisation already. These are the ones to have even for a short trip:
For my current trip from London to Singapore by train I went to a Travelclinic in Zürich near where I live. They where very helpfull and recommended jabs according to my travel plans. However I’ve found that they tried to sell me much more than what was required. So rather be safe then sorry I went for all of the recommended jabs except for the FSME Booster. I decided against the booster as I will be in the most FSME infected areas in winter when there is almost zero risk. Here is a list of the jabs I got in addition to what I have listed above already:
All the above mentioned vaccinations have very little side effects. I had absolutely no problem and did not encounter any side effects.
Malaria and Dengue fever are diseases for which no jabs exists, however for Malaria you can take Malarone tablets with you. And also don’t forget to take insect repellent with you to protect yourself against mosquito bites.
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